

now thats what im talking about.

oh snap.

holla at them big girl birthday presents.

my boyfriend is sneaky.
sneaky sneaky.
this whole week hes been talking about
how he got me
the best thing ever.
how hes the best.
how excited im going to be.

so sunday he was gone allll day.
all day.
i had no idea.
and all week.
and hes been sneakin around.
running out and dropping things off.

so yesterday.
he tells me hes going to take me to class early.
he picks me up from work
and drops me off at my 7 pm class.
at like 6: 05.
speeeeeds away.

so im like.

go to class.
come home.

he says you cant go in the bedroom yet. ive got to put away some presents.

yeah, okay.

so he comes out.

closes your eyes, he says.

he proceeds to wrap a scarf around my eyes.
and leads me into the bedroom.

open your eyes!

fuck yes.

he bought me a bed!

not just any bed.
the bed ive been wanting.
pining over.
dreaming about.
my ikea dream.

a beautiful cast iron bed frame.
new amazing mattress set.
and a gorgeous bed set.
with a bed skirt for christ sake.

holy shit.

now i think you must understand.

you see.
for the duration of our 2 year relationship.
we have been kickin it straight richmond style.
cuddling close on a beat up.
beat down.
terrible, horrible, old mattress.
on the floor.
this mattress.
which he has had for years.
had seen its fair share of use.
from his other girlfriends.
his hook ups.
to friends.
and dogs.
and god knows what else.

it hurt his back.
sank in the middle.
leaned to the left.
and was defiantly on its last leg.

and me.
being the woman i am.
just wanted a nice.
comfortable bed.
with a cast iron frame.
swedish design.
with 10 pillows.
and soft sheets.
to laying in.
love in.

so when i opened my eyes.
to the best birthday gift ever.
i must say.
i was pleasantly surprised.

last night i slept like a baby.
in my new bed.
with my old man.
and a big smile.

i love my life.


Brie said...

that is seriously the best birthday gift. :)

i want to kick my bed to the curb eventually, but i've got my heart set on a canopy dream that will set me back more than i can spend right now. :P


